Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Welcome Jose & Maria

I normally don't deviate much from my daily ins & outs, but i'm gonna wander off a little here.
The whole illegial immagration thing is pretty hot right now, and being in southern CA just north of a border check point (note to checkpoint, if I know the way around it from 2 mins with a map, everyone does, you're just causing a daily traffic jam). I really think that washington has it wrong on this one, I think we should be at the border with coffee and muffins for the people who want to be in americia so badily they'd run the gauntlet we've set up. These people don't WANT to live in americia with no legal status, they're forced too. What they want is to be given the oppertunity to work and live and participate in americian life. These are the people who love america so much they they endure to come here, which when you think about it, is a much needed shot of patritosim. Way I see if let them pay taxes and work on citizenship while here, they want to be here, they're not going anywhere, so give them some status in society, let them work legally, and pay the taxes that come with it. As for they "they're taking americian jobs" argument...... when was the last time americans lined up to scrub toilets at walmart? or to do a day of heavy landscaping for $40 and lunch? With the kids and college comming up I'm looking at hiring someone to help me clean the house, I love my kids, but they can make a huge mess, I don't care what thier legal status is, i care that she shows up at 10 on mondays and mops well.


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