Monday, April 24, 2006

College plans made

Well I feel like I'm running ten years late, but I'm finally able to finish the college I started, my parents made too much for me to get aid, and my mom refused to sign a loan. I should've taken it seriously and finished then, but my parents were less than supportive, and the 3 hours on the bus each day got to be a bit too much, but at 18 all I had was time. Now with a toddler and a school aged child, a business and family commitments, I'm much better at organizing a schedule and my life. I even managed to remember to visit my Grandmother on her 65th birthday this year. I met with my counselor last week and set up a plan to get thru in just over a year, on the contigency that I keep my grades high, she'll sign off on high-loads of credits. Basically with all my non-school commitments, she'll ok extra classes IF I take classes that I can complete easily (i.e. nutrition instead of physics). I applied and got my FAFSA approved in 3 days (they do it online now!), and I'm now waiting for may 11th to set up my class schedule (all of my general ED I can do online, so I'll only have to attend campus for my ECE classes. I haven't yet told my parents I'm going back to school, but I suspect at some point I'll bump into my sister (who's 17) as we're in the same college. Since even has summers off from his charter school, I'll start with a full load in June>July (6 units) and then move into a full load of 12>16 units a semester, only reason I can go for an aggressive schedule is that I work from 3pm > 2 am, and the kids go to sleep at 8:30 pm, so I can study while they sleep, so online classes are ideal for my oddball hours. State daycare regs say I can use an alternate for up to 20% of the time, so long as they have the same background checks (spouses and other adults in the home get checked under the same set of rules), so Matt can cover during my 4 hours of class time a week (the parents know I'm completing college).


At 9:38 AM, Blogger rebecca said...

ok, now I don't feel so bad. every time I go to type Evan, it turns out even. now that I see you doing it, I'll stop stressing so much.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I keep having to add "Evan" to spell checking dictionaries, otherwise he's auto-corrected.


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