Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back to school for mommy.

Last week I received my postcard to attend my 10 year high school reunion. I really enjoyed the last 2 years of highschool, but when I flipped thru my yearbooks, I remembered most of my friends were either a year older or younger than I was, and I can't quite see making the trip to see "that guy who sat behind me in math class" (note: if by some fluke that guy reads this, man I'm sorry, but I couldn't remember your name then either). I feel a little apprenhension about going back to college 10 years later, not that I'll get a senior's discount yet, but I have so much MORE going on than I did 10 years ago, that I'm not sure if I can schedule in adequate study time to pull off straight A's (Funny thing about college, if I'm going to foot the bill, I'm going to get A's). Part of me shakes my head, and when it comes to math I'm going for the "solid C approach" (I *wish* I could justify a class in accounting as a replacement for math 90, but I doubt it). Tomorrow I go down and go over my "plan" with the guidance counselor (In a sick twist, I'll be finishing up just after I turn 30). The "plan" is to take 3 courses non stop till I'm done. Thank goodness for online & hybrids, I don't have 9>12 hours a week to spend at school, studying while the kids nap, sure.


At 10:04 AM, Blogger rebecca said...

wow! you're going to school? is this to get your certification to be an officially licensed educator?


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