Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Steve - the calm in the chaos

Everyone needs one person who's calm when things are swirling about them, who stays sage-like in contemplation, who has the basic faith that it will all turn out alright, for me it's Steve. He has just enough distance from my chaos to have perspective I lack, and dear enough to be able to offer insight that I listen to. He's also as stubborn as I am, which makes for an excellent guy-bud. Over the last few years I've learned to be selective about my friends, in High school I was "popular" had tons of "friends" but didn't really know any of them. Steve, Becca and a few others are all very dear to me, able to get me to take a deep breath, back up, and realize I'm being a complete spaz. Steve is just a little too attractive for my peace of mind, and yet has become such a solid part of my life that I would not trade that serenity for anything. I think a huge chunk of that may be the 10 years age difference between us, and that at his core he's a pacient man. He's also what I call our "mac-truck contigency" see neither of our biological families are in a position to take on 2 orphan children if anything happens to us, so when we chose their godparents, we made sure they understood that potential child rearing was on the table (Steve had the good sense to ask for a week to think about it, to be sure he was comfortable being an instant daddy). Steve loves our children dearly, and they adore him, so it's a great set-up. Part of asking a non family member to accept your children, or even a family member is to makes sure that's not going to put him into bankruptcy, so I bought a good chunk of life insurance (easy to do when you're in ok health in your 20's). So part 1 of my finances is in order, there's a will & life insurance, problem is, it's the only part in order, and does me no good alive (my preferred stare ~.^).


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