Tuesday, December 27, 2005

why monkeys?

It's like herding monkeys, that's what I say when someone asks me how I do it. By "it" they mean run my nutty life, it seems there are two types of people, those who love spending every moment with swamped with kids, and those who think I'm nuts. Disclaimer: I really am nuts, but I enjoy the insanity ~.^. The holiday season in 1/2 over so I didn't teach today (homeschool winter break), but the flip of that is, all the neighbor's kids know there's no school, so they start knocking earlier (we had to disconnect the doorbell, as it rang non-stop last summer). Oh, hi I'm Chris. My life is utter chaos, but this year I'm going to get a plan togher. See I woke up a few days ago and realized that I'm closer to 30 than to 25, and like everyone self employed there's no pension, no medical, no dental, no safty net. I have $21 in savings, and energy, which I need to get things started. So a few basics:
Job: self-employed child care (I do "specialized care" ie. non traditional hours, when you live in a retirement town, as I do, there are alot of nurses, waitresses, nurses aides that need 2nd and 3rd shift care, I take those kids, get paid more because it's off-beat hrs, and the kids sleep 1/2 to 90% of the time they're here).
Married: yep, Matthew, he was laid off last October, and is now trying to rethink his carrer in the middle of all this mess.
Kids: 2 of my own sons, Evan & Erik, and 2-4 "loaners" (I've had these kids long enough some of them call me mom too. boys: 12 & 8, and a girl 4)
We live in 900 square feet in the CA dessert, with 2 cats, and a mess of fish.


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