Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Becca, the brilliant one

Becca's my oldest and dearest friend, is perhaps the hardest to describe, our friendship has lasted for years and is complex and beautiful. We met back in 1999, in May, when we both started working at IBM tougher, I was hesitant to get too friendly with a woman both more skilled at the work, and better looking than I am (she's still breath stopping gorgeous, it just stopped annoying me), but she was so willing to help me learn and so pacient in teaching me, that it was hard not to like her. When we found out I was pregnant she was thrilled right along with us. The pregnancy with Evan was very iffy, most of it was a long series of different tests each raised more concerns then answers. Becca's inner peace during such time of chaos really helped to keep me grounded. Becca stayed with me for 38 hours of labor, sending matt home for rest, and then calling him back to the hospital, for the c-section. She went into the operating room, and saw her god son delivered, and knowing my fears, told me he had all his fingers and toes, and they weren't webbed (trisomny 18 was a concern, and webbed feet is a deformity for it). After I brought the baby home, she helped answer all sorts of breastfeeding/diapering/etc questions. Over the years geography has moved us apart, but I know when I need her, I can brew a cup of coffee, log on, and pick right up where we left off.


At 2:03 AM, Blogger rebecca said...

Oh come on now, I'm not all that. And besides, I have the inner peace of the tasmanian devil. Everything's relative...


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