Monday, May 01, 2006

Domestic Bliss?

Today is also Matt's 1st day at his new job, at the post office. Since we're considered "rural" they hire ppl temp for a year then can put them on career track. Well with 200>600 housing tracks sprouting up each month (in the 5 years we've lived here the city we moved to TRIPLED in population) they really need ppl to deliver. So today I got up before noon (9 am), started laundry, and dishes did Evan;s school and was done by noon. With matt not here I get more done (when I try to get going and he's home he tells me to sit, rest, do it later, and it just doesn't get done). I'm in a pretty good mood, and things are getting done, so far so good... I just have to make sure I don't need any jars opened.


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