Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mocha latte

In a sign that my 5 year old may have had 1 too many trips in a starbucks drive thru, he has decided to name his two bunnies Mocha & lathe. They're both pretty sweet bunnies, and we have an indoor space as well as an outdoor one for them, so during the hottest part of the day they can be inside, and still enjoy the fresh grass and privacy of their hut in the garden in the mornings. I was up late last night, and now I'm waiting for the caffeine to kick in. I've spent part of the weekend reviewing both the summer and fall class offerings, and I have it all plotted out for the next two semesters, now I just gotta register for classes on thurs. I look at what I have planned and logically I know it's ambitious, but school comes easy for me, and if the state's going to pay for it, I better get it started now. I'm trying to balance out academic classes with an easy elective each semester (somehow I have zero elective credit, I completely forgot I had to take 17 units of them).
So here it is:

Summer 06 - 6 units
(condensed 6 week classes all online)
Nutrition 101 (physical science requirement)
Art 100 (humanities requirement)

Fall 06 - 17.5 units
CDE 110 3 units
CDE 111 3 units
CDE 201F 203C 203B (a set of 1 day seminars that give me elective credit in my major) 0.5 units each
ENG 104 (business english, instead of freshman comp) 3 units
COM 103 (online 1/2 term class) 3 units
COM 108 (online 1/2 term class) 3 units

Spring 07-
I'll have to take math 96 then, as taking both eng & math together would be too much to fit any other classes.
Physical Education - I'm tempted to take a dance class for this, but the health science classes are online.
from this point all gen ed is done and I can focus on my major and take electives.


At 11:04 AM, Blogger rebecca said...

I want a picture of the bunnies. you should post one here.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I can't figure out how to post pics, but that may be the sleep-fog talking.


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