Monday, May 22, 2006

Hip to hip rockin thru the wilderness

Well it seems I have part of my annual "things to figure out with no imput from hubby" list, taken care of. We have this agreement that each of us handles the details that matter most to us, what this means in reality is he handles the computers, TV, PS2 etc. and I handle everything that doesn't plug into a wall. So naturally figuring out vacations, family visits etc is all my "part". This year I decided that dragging the kids 800 miles away for a week of high stress family politics is not a "vacation", and that I want some genuine relaxing to happen. I found what may just be the best family vacation spot...
It looks to be just the thing, semi-camping with the kids, nature, and eco-friendly. I sent Becca the link and we're hoping to get our families together next spring for this (I love how our boys are all near the same age). Maybe I'll even remember to take the camera with me this time.


At 11:16 AM, Blogger rebecca said...

yeah. except that 15 year old boy, who will be 16 in april.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I meant the lil guys. At this point Anthony will be taller than I am I bet.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger rebecca said...

yes indeed. he is my height.


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