Saturday, June 10, 2006

Can I get a clone?

As I suspected, once school began my time got crunched, big time. As I just told a bud, it's not that I have no time for you now, it's that I simply have no time. The kids understand that mommy has "homework time" and that means they can go watch a movie in their room (we have a tiny TV in there that is only hooked to a vcr). I put out crayons, coloing books and juice for them to play with so I can read a chapter. This fall Destiny will be joining us for Kindergarten, her preschool teachers told her mum she was behind where they wanted her to be (only 4/32 kids were where the head start program said they should be, so really....), and when her mom mentioned she was considering homestudy for K, the teaches thought it would help. Since they're only a year apart, they charter school will send her 1st grade science, art, history and music (she did a lot of the K work alongside evan in these classes this last year), so that's all set up now. Now I just need energy to do all this (@.@).


At 11:06 PM, Blogger rebecca said...

I don't think I want to see the results of them playing with juice.

and chris, you're nutso. at least minimize your school workload for the year.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Well the thing is, part of the grant is based off my taxable income, with Matt's new job i'll lose alot of that grant $$. SO i gotta get that outta the way by nesxt spring as next summer I may have no fafsa grant money.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger rebecca said...

why not have a baby? it sounds like you might need a tax deduction...

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Chris said...

... you just want a goddaughter to cuddle don't you? Besides, how romantic is that "ohhh ahh baby.... I want a tax deduction."

At 9:58 AM, Blogger rebecca said...

very. you just don't have your brain in the right place.


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