Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Study study study....

I'm still waiting for my nutrition text to arrive (class starts on the 5th), so instead I'm working on the research for my art class (class starts on the 14th). I'm big on being prepared (with the schedule I'm using, I gotta be), as soon as art starts, I have my first 3 papers written and ready to email off. This is my first accelerated class (12 weeks of lessons compressed into 6 & 8 weeks), and I'm sure if I get behind I won't find the time to catch back up.
Today is also the day to register for my fall classes, and of course I'm indecisive. My original plan was to take 17.5 units, but that means 3 regular classes and 2 accelerated ones (Aug 14>Oct 6 & Sept 22>Dec 13th) at once. Suddenly I'm not sure if there's enough caffeine on the planet. I'm thinking of only taking 13.5 units (dropping one 3 credit class from my fall plan), but I'm not so sure. I *really* want to finish before 30, but I also don't want to push too hard, I still have my work and kids to take care of.
So at the beginning of summer, here's where things stand:

fall/spring 2003 : 6 units of us history
Summer 2006 : 6 units of art appreciation & nutrition
these 4 classes cover requirements A, B1, B2 & C of my general ed requirements.

Fall 2006 : 3 units of Eng 104 (taking business English)
3 units of Com 103 (covers analytical thinking req.)
6 units of CDE (LOL finally taking a class in my major)
1.5 units of CDE (three .5 point day long seminars)
semi total: 25.5 units (42.5%)

that will bring me to 25.5 units and 18/27 units of general ed complete (I started with gen ED as all of the classes for AA gen ed are online). Since I'm taking Eng this fall, I'll take my math 96, PE and multi-cultural studies in spring/summer 07 to finish up gen ed. Oh yes I'll also need:

27 units in my major (scheduled for 6 of these this fall) and 6 units of electives (1.5 of these are scheduled as seminars). Actually I get pretty tired just thinking about it.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger rebecca said...

yeah I don't blame you, it nearly put me to sleep just reading it.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Chris said...

... is that supposed to make me feel better?


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