Monday, June 26, 2006

Halloween's a coming!

For those who don't know, in this house Halloween is THE holiday, unlike Christmas or Thanksgiving, Halloween is pure enjoyment. No dozen of relatives, each with their own schedules to coordinate, no wondering if I've cooked enough /too much (one year the salad';s gone in 5 mins, next year I'm taking 5 lbs of lettuce back to my house). No scurrying to find wrapping paper, in otherwords no mom-handles-it stresses. So since it's something I can do for us and the kids, everyyear I throw a party, costumes mandatory for both adults and kids, and invite everyone to flood my tiny livingroom. This year we decided to coordinate costumes (I've worn the same red velvet gown since '99, it's been a great dress, but it's deserved a retirement), so I'm making 5 piratey costumes for this year's party. Since thank goodness I can sew (even I don't blow $600- on a costume) I'm going to deconstruct/reconstruct the one from These pics, for ~ $50 (I'm dropping the hem line 6 inches to be knee length). I'll post pics as I work on it.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger rebecca said...

I can attest to the fact that chris can sew.

if I weren't closer in size to a beached whale than my size of 7 years ago, I'd post a picture, but oh well

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Chris said...

sillyhead, you're figure's lovely, heaven knows I'd kill for that waist of yours. *sigh* oh well best I can do is distact ppl from mine with cleavage. It may not be demurre, but hey it works.


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