Thursday, January 12, 2006

Nyquil induced haze

First of all I really don't like medication, I have a low tolerance to any number of "may cause drowsiness" pills and as a result, I try to avoid them at all costs. Now that I think about it, it takes almost no liquor to get me loopy either, 1/3rd glass of wine and my ability to walk is greatly diminished. After a week of sick children, peaking with the baby vomiting a sippy full of strawberry milk all over the car yesterday, mommy has the flu too. So I gave in and took the cold/flu meds.... And now I feel so out of my head. I can't figure out why on earth people take drugs to purposely feel this way, my mind is alert and buzzing while my body's shutting down, or my mind's a lump and I'm too awake to fall asleep. Since this is my last day off for awhile, I feel like I *should* get something done, but I lack the energy, to go refill my tea cup. I grabbed a new book on gardening at the library, and it has a lot of good ideas, and I should be planning the garden, but instead I sit here lump-like in my haze.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mommy, wiper of snot

Well colds have hit the daycare, all the kids have stuffy noses. Yes I know in theory that just because 1 kid has a cold they all don't have to catch it, but in reality they do. Everybody has their own cup/plate/fork color to stop them from sharing germs, and hand washing after using the potty is done, but to no avail, they're still kids that spend time tougher, and the germs still happen. So far I'm fine, and I plan to keep it that way, but mat's sniffily too, so yet again I'm the last one standing. So I'm passing out gallons of orange juice.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Getting into our groove again

Today I attempted to wake up at a reasonable hour (that would be 10 am), and well.... I'm up. So far only 1 cup of caffeine in me, and the effects are minimal. I look at our handy-dandy schedule and see that today we're supposed to cover history, lit, phonics, math and music prep..... And I consider going back to bed. Instead I send him into his bedroom to practice piano for music credit, and cover history (wrapping up chapter on the Indians of the eastern woodlands), and we do a phonics review verbally (still waiting for his reading glasses). We only have 5 math lessons left in K math, and his 1st grade books have not arrived, so I toss a note to the teacher assigned to us, asking for a tracking number. We take a lunch break, and althought I wanna curl up and nap, I drink more caffeine and reflect on my addled brain. Evan asks to go to Chucky Cheese to use up the tokens left in their stockings ($5- worth), and it sounds like a good idea, there's a starbucks next door, and I have a giftcard from my aunt. So back to teach counting by 3's with the promise of skeeball and frappichinos fresh in our minds.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

School resumes today

Well after enjoying a much needed holiday break, Evan & I resume classes today, just after my dental appt. On the 31st I bit into some nut brittle, and it bit back, I lost the filling on my back molar. So in 2 hours I go in to get the filling replaced. Erik is happily sitting below my chair with his farm animal sounds game, like Evan he's not very verbal yet (I think he can't get a word in, with the rest of the chatterboxes, but either way, I'm not worried).
This AM I'm aware of how not like the "homeschooling" mom people seem to picture. There was no farm-fresh eggs and pancakes for breakfast, instead it was protein smoothes on the sofa. We don't get up at sunrise to "start the day", instead 10 am > noon is early enough for us. We allow TV, there's a lot of discussion on homeschooling boards about tossing out the TV, which I think can be a baby-with-the-bathwater thing. True hours of unsupervised brain rotting can occur, but I would no more not monitor the content of the "kids" shows, then I would let him watch the horror channel. This AM Erik's watching blue's clues (which I find minimally annoying, but that's because Joe is chipper before my coffee can kick in). Several shows have been banned from our TV, they are rated as children shows, but I don't find anything in them that merits allocating time to them.
Partial list of banned shows: Ed, Edd & Eddy (so stupid it makes my brain hurt, combined with risky behavior I don't want my kids trying), Grim adventures of Billy & mandy (he's a moron, she's a bully, and these are the "heroes" of the show), Barney (if it annoys me it doesn't get air time), Spongebob (annoys me, but once in a while I'll let them watch a 1/2 episode). Nightly News, (reports of killings, bombings, war, etc.) really not child-friendly here.