Friday, June 30, 2006


Here's the bunnies you crazy woman.
Mocha's chocolate brown, Latte's the white both are Rex bunnies which means their fur feels like velvet. They are spending the summer indoors as house bunnies (100+ heat can be terminal for bunnies). Yes I assembled the cage myself, and those are zip-ties for reinforcements. I snapped these today b4 vacuuming out the cage, as I had located both my camera batteries AND memory card at once (hubby put them in the camera bag "where they belong" (apparently the ONE thing in this house that's put away, I can't find any of the 7 pairs of scissors we own).

Monday, June 26, 2006

Halloween's a coming!

For those who don't know, in this house Halloween is THE holiday, unlike Christmas or Thanksgiving, Halloween is pure enjoyment. No dozen of relatives, each with their own schedules to coordinate, no wondering if I've cooked enough /too much (one year the salad';s gone in 5 mins, next year I'm taking 5 lbs of lettuce back to my house). No scurrying to find wrapping paper, in otherwords no mom-handles-it stresses. So since it's something I can do for us and the kids, everyyear I throw a party, costumes mandatory for both adults and kids, and invite everyone to flood my tiny livingroom. This year we decided to coordinate costumes (I've worn the same red velvet gown since '99, it's been a great dress, but it's deserved a retirement), so I'm making 5 piratey costumes for this year's party. Since thank goodness I can sew (even I don't blow $600- on a costume) I'm going to deconstruct/reconstruct the one from These pics, for ~ $50 (I'm dropping the hem line 6 inches to be knee length). I'll post pics as I work on it.

Been slacking

I haven't Meant to, but I have been. I've been booking in my classes, since they're online I can push ahead as hard and as fast as I can (a plus as I have time off during finals week, and I'm trying to actually enjoy that week off. This blue painting I used for my 1st art paper and I really liked it. One of the side effects of taking art is the possibility I may actually hang some art on my walls (I'm not counting the 20 foot long ABC & 123 border in the living/class room as art). On the 5th I have a field trip/photo essay project I'll be working on, and I'll upload photos from it, I promise Becca.

Monday, June 12, 2006

School's out for little boys!

Technically it's the last scheduled week of school, but screw it, he's made good progress, so I'm giving him a "freebie" week before the schools in town are out. He's happily playing his computer games and I've sent in samples for grading, so a week off then we're doing handwritins and reading club at library over the summer.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Can I get a clone?

As I suspected, once school began my time got crunched, big time. As I just told a bud, it's not that I have no time for you now, it's that I simply have no time. The kids understand that mommy has "homework time" and that means they can go watch a movie in their room (we have a tiny TV in there that is only hooked to a vcr). I put out crayons, coloing books and juice for them to play with so I can read a chapter. This fall Destiny will be joining us for Kindergarten, her preschool teachers told her mum she was behind where they wanted her to be (only 4/32 kids were where the head start program said they should be, so really....), and when her mom mentioned she was considering homestudy for K, the teaches thought it would help. Since they're only a year apart, they charter school will send her 1st grade science, art, history and music (she did a lot of the K work alongside evan in these classes this last year), so that's all set up now. Now I just need energy to do all this (@.@).