Friday, July 27, 2007

Mini Academic update

Summer semester just ended, and here's where I am:

CDE 110 - B
HS 121 - A

Fall 07 courses:

CDE 103 - Creative cirriculium
CDE 101 - Intro class
Anth 102 - Cultrial Anthropology
CDE 202 - Montessori Edu.

Spring 08 classes:

Eng 101
CDE 125 - Child and community
CDE 102 - Lit. for children
CDE 140 - Working with special children

Summer 08 Classes:

Com 103 - Interpersonal comm.
CDE 147 - Teaching intern A

Fall 08 Classes:

Math 96
CDE 111 - Child safty & Health
CDE 148 - Teaching intern B

I could shave off a semester if I found room to shove in an extra class in fall and spring, but I'm worried about overload. Right now I'm just over 1/2 done, and out of online classes.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Daycare Expansion

Well, at the risk of completely losing my mind, we've decided to expand the daycare. Since a dear family friend owes me from a car loan I gave him, he's going to pay back part in building some custom playhouses for the back yard. Here's the pics I took to give him a starting "idea" I love how it looks like giant brio blocks. So we're looking for a larger house, to expand the daycare, while I use the next 2 years to finish up my degree.

been really slacking

Ok it's been ages since my last posts. Been busy with college and teaching, but I will try for a weekly or bi-weekly post. Here's a pick from legoland a few weeks back.

Friday, October 13, 2006


For some reason I haven't been able to get pics to load in my last two pics, here's the ones from the B&B website, which seems that they will load for us.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Back to school night

Tonight is back to school night for the kid's charter school, so I'm printing out pages of reports etc. I'm still adjusting to a full 5 class courseload, and teaching the kids too, I know it sounds nuts, and it may be, but it helps to keep focused on the results. The town we want to move to, has a good school, with small classes, and I think Evan may do well there.
Here's some pics of where we stayed on vacation, I'll be adding some in fall & winter as we're going to spend more time up there this year, they have 4 seasons unlike the 9 month summer we get here.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Back to our groove

The days in the mountains were lovely, it was part vacation and part business trip (you better believe I'm taking it off my taxes). The town we stayed in is lovely, and without a preschool, there's a single school for all grades k-12, and no preschool. It's also been voted in America's top 25 art town for the last 17 years, and there's a lot of artsy-hippee types in town. It was wonderful. So I think we've found the place,and I have the energy, now I can attack my next round of classes. Soon as I find that blasted memory card I'll upload some photos of the town.